The Sapphire Foundation - Mission
- To support and encourage children to pursue their interest in science, maths and technology
- To provide scholarships and support to secondary students with outstanding abilities in science, to assist them achieve their potential
- To provide grants which can be allocated to community science-related programs and projects
- To encourage and promote educational and associated activities for the betterment of learning in schools

Science is the how and why of the world around us. In everyday life we are surrounded by the results of scientific inquiry, research and innovation. DVD's, mobile phones, the Internet, Bluetooth, GPS, carbon fibre, MRI scans, laser surgery and gene sequencing are just some examples of everyday items that did not exist 30 years ago.
More importantly, the scientific underpinnings of many of these technologies had not even been discovered then.
Research shows that children in regional and rural areas are at a disadvantage - they don’t participate in science subjects as much as their city counterparts, and their results are also lower. Given that the rate of scientific discovery will continue (and even accelerate) over the next decades - with or without Australia participating - it is vital that all young people with ability become motivated to get involved with science.
Students with academic ability should be encouraged along the path of discovery - to inspire them to discover the beauty and joys of maths, physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and medical sciences. And from a practical career point of view science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are areas where the jobs will be in the future, and where skills are transferable internationally.
The Into.Science & Star Achievers Programs
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Who we are
The Sapphire Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit charitable fund.

What we do
Through sponsorship & donations, the Sapphire Foundation is involved with a range of STEM programs which encourage secondary students into science & technology.
We also offer ‘Into.Science Awards’, which are available to students attending regional secondary schools in Australia.