Armed with an honours degree and a bad hairdo, Bernie set out to rid the world of all known tropical diseases, starting with dengue fever — well starting and finishing, really.
Part of the Discovery Channel, this has a vast range of topics – videos, articles, quizzes and top ten’s. It’s non-fiction, but treat it as more entertainment than pure science.
Etiam sed lectus lectus. Nam bibendum fringilla justo at gravida. Mauris neque tellus, tempor id mauris in, fringilla tincidunt quam. Aenean tincidunt molestie convallis.
Quisque quis mauris ultricies, volutpat sem ac, consectetur odio. Donec nec elit ac dui imperdiet egestas. Praesent nisi felis, pellentesque nec dui ut, lobortis.